
I know it wasn't the most popular game but I am very excited about this.
Playing all the games so you don't have to.
It's shit like this Rockstar games
My favorite single-player game on Play.com christmas offers!
Seems like an awesome game, anyone know more?
Whoa there! I thought Zelda was supposed to be a kids game...
So I bought my very first Wii game today, but the thing is I don't even own a Wii
Why should you stay with PC Gaming [NSFW]
Ever fapped to a game? This was my first. nsfw
REMINDER about /r/gaming's rules for newcomers - Fixed [NSFW]
This about sums up 2 weeks of no video games [NSFW?] (no tits, sorry guys)
I once beat a game, and this was the ending. Does anybody know what the hell it was?
Not long before i saw a cosplay posted on /r/gaming but then i took a look at this.
Hey r/gaming! This is just a pic of Old Snake and a line of coke. Might be NSFW.
My Most Anticipated Game Of 2012.
Downloaded The Official Countdown game for my iPad, this was the first Conundrum
Saints row 3. first game that i as a 15 ye/o boy think deserves the 18 age limit
Not sure if belongs in WTF or Gaming
My buddy Chris Saint (L.A. piercer) just did this scarification.  I think r/gaming
The hottest chick in gaming history.
Thought /r/gaming would like this. [NSFW]
As someone who likes to play CoD, this is how I feel about a lot of people on /r/gaming
Nice Gaming Tattoo! (NSFW)
An unusual choice for my favorite video game music. What's yours?
You Kids and Your Vidja Games...
The scariest thing to hit /r/gaming since Amnesia.
We like to create special names for our game-related Mumble channels
I offer this picture to r/Gaming for a beta key for CS:GO
How to get on the frontpage of /r/gaming. [FIXED]
How to get on the frontpage of /r/gaming. [FIXED]
How to get on the frontpage of /r/gaming. [FIXED]
How to get to the front page of /r/gaming [fixed] maybe nsfw
How to get to the front page of r/gaming [fixed] NSFW
Okay /r/gaming, I'm done trolling. Here's a gamer girl; she's my sister!
Most frequently broken rule in gaming[Fixed][Fixed][Fixed]
The first boobs I saw in Gaming were on a Sunflower... (Super NSFW)
My health bar is boobs and dinosaurs. How did this game fail?
Replaying Fatal Frame 2, I forgot how NSFW this game can be.
Out of all the things to make your name in a pokemon game...
Happy Mother's Day, /r/gaming [Fixed] [Fixed]
The most messed up game ever: Rapelay
Dear developers, this is why you should make your games moddable. [Fixed] NSFW
Great Way To Get Your GF Into Gaming
What I feel my character looks like at the beginning of every game
This game is now ruined for me (NSFW)
My cousin is really good at this game.
A Game I Would REALLY love to see on Steam.
Figured you guys at /r/gaming could have some fun with this (NSFW)
Keith P Rein's Gaming Inspired Pin-up Drawings (possibly NSFW)
I won 60$ worth of steam games from a sob story.(NSFW for language)
Here, r/gaming, I Made This
Got bored of playing so I decided to make a picture out of all the games I own, sadly
This game is fucking weird (NSFW)
Why MicroVolts is a pretty decent game [NSFW]
GOB: Gaming Over Bitches (NSFW)
What was the first thing you built in this game? mildly nsfw
Played this game a million times, but never saw it like this!
My friend took advantage of the first time he gifted a game [NSFW]
Playing UT2K4 for the first time in many years. This game has changed.... (NSFW)
Most Powerful Ass in Gaming