
The Dragon: Consider It Woken
Khal fuckin' Dro...oh wait!
[Spoiler All Books] I drew the GoT Characters as Zodiac Signs. None of my friends
[ADWD] I just wanted to see what he looked like...
I thought of a solution for Jamie... I'd like think I would make a good blacksmith
Poor Theon (Season 3: Episode 7 potential spoiler) - For those who have HBOGO watch
[Spoilers S03E09] The Daily Show gives some GoT spoilers. Is SFW, just marked NSFW
[S03E06] Why is Sansa wearing a cross around her neck in this scene? Or is it a symbol
[S3E10] Seeing Arya's face when she saw this made me sick to my stomach.
Was anyone else thinking it..
[S3E10] The cake at our season finale viewing party.
[No Spoilers] It seems like Jon Snow can't take a joke (NSFW-text)
[Season 3 spoilers] Like father, like son.
[Season 1] NSFW Watching the HBO Game of Thrones marathon reminded me of how much
[No Spoilers / NSFW] Hustler made a porn-parody of GoT. I guess they nailed Daenerys'
[S04E06] Look what I have
[Season 3] The King In The North has never looked so good.
[S4E8]Should of worn a helmet
[Spoilers S4E8] Brilliant foreshadowing...
[Spoilers S4 E8] Lena Headey and Pedro Pascal. The best of friends.
[A bit spoilery] Got a new t-shirt today
[Game Spoilers] You are father needn't worry..?
[S4] Never forget
[No Spoilers] My sister is half way through season 2 and this is her favorite character...
[ALL SPOILERS] Cut scene of the sand snakes sneaking into the water gardens.
[S5][E9] This sub's opinion on the Sand Snakes as of recently
[S5][E9] Found this one on 4chan
[S5][E9] New Game of Thrones Movie Incoming!
[All Spoilers]A small album dedicated to those who fell following their duty and
[S5][E10] You thinking what I'm thinking?
[S5] Ser Totally not The Mountain
[S5 All] Who do you think pulled it off better? Cersei or the High Septon?
[S5]WARNING major season 5 spoilers on Kit Harington's imdb page
[S1] My daughter was playing with her stuffed Elsa and Toothless when my wife pointed
[ALL SPOILERS] Think I should dress up as Robb Stark for Halloween?
[SPOILERS ALL] S06 - first look, Cersei
[S6] Since when did this become hotter than this? (NSFW/NSFL)
[EVERYTHING]House Tully in the background
[S6E4] Dothraki have X-ray vision
[Everything] The Bear and the Maiden fair...best reunion in Season 4
[MAIN SPOILERS]Familiar symbol
[MAIN SPOILERS] Mad King image gallery
[EVERYTHING] Album of photos from the vision sequence.
[EVERYTHING] I really do think this sums up the emotional impact this moment had
[Everything] nsfw "Hot Pie" not quite as cool as my Jon Snow however I
[No Spoilers] Found a cool Dany in the Purple Qarth dress from the books (credit:
[MAIN SPOILERS] He's back with skills
[NO SPOILERS] 'Our Blades Are Sharp'
[Spoilers] A girl has no shame.
[NO SPOILERS] - Drew some of my favorite characters while waiting for tonight's episode
[SPOILERS] My favorite scene from S8E3
[Spoilers] They chickened out on this one: Qarthean Dress