
[GMBF] 20M 6'3" 168
[GMBF] 21/M/5'10/176lbs just started cut 18-20%?
[GMBF] M/5'9"/174 lbs what's my starting bf% for my cut? and will I look alright
[GMBF] 20/M/5'6"/136lbs
[GMBF] M40 5'10 70kg
[GMBF] 27/Male/5’10”/185 lbs
[GMBF] (M/19/5'9"/168 lbs)
[GMBF] (M/17/5'9/150lbs) No idea what my BF% is, I estimated around 16-18? I really
[GMBF] M/43/5'6"/145lb (lost 10lbs from jan to may)
[GMBF] (M/23/5'8"/155lbs)
[GMBF] M/18/5'11/150
[GMBF] (M/19/5'9"/175lbs)
[GMBF] M/20/5'10/148lb -- Sorry about the groovy background
[GMBF] (M/25/5'11/168) Vascularity due to leanness or genetics?
[GMBF] 35/M/5'10.5"/180lbs
5'4" , 144.5#
[GMBF] (M/35/178 cm/84 kgs) Posted on r/BulkOrCut and they told me to cut. Would
[GMBF] 40M/5’11”/170lb