
It's been a long stretch, but it's finally Friday
Is this what you were expecting?
A cool and damp Monday, hoodie weather
Happy Thighsday!
A bit too cold to be outside this morning, so this is the next best thing
Relaxing before starting a long, full day
[50s] What shall we do today, any ideas?
Let the day begin, I'm ready
I love the feeling of air against slightly damp skin after a shower, don't you?
A happy Thighsday to you!
Join me in the shower
Sometimes it's all about taking pleasure in the smaller things
Time to get naked and drink coffee
[M]assaging my shoulder after my previous strike
16k? So hot, I'll not need [m]y jacket. Well done everyone!
A peaceful moment
Recharging my inner peace
I've got the essentials covered
Mmm. Feels good
Just waiting for the weekend to get started
Coffee with a little something extra this Monday
Peaceful Sunday
I hope this is a pleasant distraction
[M] 27, 6', 242 lbs - sent this to my sexting buddy and she encouraged me to post
I miss drinking my first coffee of the day in the garden
Starting the weekend clean and fresh [50s]
Easy Sunday morning start
Let's make this a gentle and relaxed start to the week
Cardigan mood
I think I'm ready now
Getting wet
The great thing about coffee is that you can enjoy it any way you like
Well, back to the grind, I guess
Mornings are such a struggle
It's been a week, that's for sure
Fresh start to the day [50s]
Longing for spring [50s]
Midweek butt
Take a seat
Does coffee just after the shower count?
Good morning!
I'm supposed to be working, but posting nude selfies is much more fun
How is it not yet Friday?
Coffee break [50s]
It's always a good day for teasing the neighbours
Fancy a quick snuggle?
I thought I'd dress up a bit for St Patrick's Day [50s]
Friday mood
Coffee, check; Nude, check. Looks like I'm ready for the weekend [50s]
[24] Take a trip into my garden, I've got so much to show ya... PS Happy Easter <3
so thicc I have a gravitational pull
Mid-workout refreshment
Sunday morning fresh air
Fresh and appealingly moist
Something to get you going this morning