
Thoughts about my rock-hard dick?
Grabbing my Dick
Early morning in Chicago
Edged, and ready to blow
My wood next to some wood
??? who wants it? Pms welcome.
Cakeday bubble bath ?
Rate? Comments?
My first post [34]
Letting it out
Ready to shoot !
My morning cock is so fucking hard.
Caption This
Soo fresshhhhh and clean
I like this angle, do you? Please rate
First post here, what do you think?
Anyone wanna give me a hand? Or a mouth? ?
Wanna see my thick cock explode? Be sure to follow me ?
Her POV from the floor ?
Feeling pretty average - 6x6
Simple question - Do you like my hard, cut cock? ??‍♂️
Hairy, hung ginger - AuBernStallion from Twitter
After 9 days of edging, I barely have to even touch my cock before it starts to drip
Not the most pointed up, but enough to post here?
I'm starting to like posting my cock here for you guys. Thanks for the warm welcome
I'm feeling pretty horny tonight
It has been 10 days since my last orgasm. Do you think I should cum tonight?
Took this in front of an open window for the good lighting
Taken last night after edging 22 times
Just finished edging. Not allowed to cum.
Been edging for 4 days, won't be allowed to cum for a while yet
Day 5 without orgasm. About to start on my 38 assigned edges for tonight
Edging now. Day 6.
Tease it nice and slow for me?
Looking especially thick today
Just another mushroom
Trying to mix it up - here's a different angle from what I usually post.
Would you want this on you or in you ? (m)
[31 OC] 3yrs Since I've Been Sucked ?
a lil one! ;)
Stroking my cut cock. Messages welcome ?
Today's mood
Who can make my cock explode? Messages welcome
Do you like my cock? Messages welcome
Like my thick dick? Messages welcome ?
[31 OC] Stiffy Stroking ?
[31 OC] HD Slow-Mo Stroking ?
Like a rocket today [M]
Stroking my big cock. Messages welcome ?
Good Morning - Grower in 30 seconds flat!