
Kripp gets caught on PornHub
First time drafting legendary in arena... first match in.
What do you think about that deck (cheap)?
What did I just grow, definitely not a boot...
What do I do with this card?
Some OC inspired by the new warlock king of the hill deck everyone seems to be playing
This is my current mage list, do u guys think it is still viable even with the recent
[NSFW] This guy seems pretty upset he lost.
How can you win in heroic mode? Wtf
Met this sweetheart after I beat his Zoo deck (NSFW Language)
Opinions and tips for my Warrior and Handlock :)
Whoever said Spellslinger was a good card lied.
It's Time
Well now... time to start screening my friend requests nsfw
I made you people a drawing to celebrate deck slots. NSFW
so this just happened
Take a look at this sh*thead
Murk-Eye bug
Day[9] streams Yu-Gi-Oh, gets pussy on stream (NSFW)
Just doing some Paladin quests when all of a sudden I get a friend request :D (NSFW)
Salty McSaltson
I thought he added me to be friends ?
Innervate is really OP in this week's brawl guys
Got my first Hate Mail...[NSFW] Language
If she dresses like this she's a keeper.
4chan watches Kibler's stream
Just got my earliest golden monkey
Staying up late enough to get a new quest
This got a bit out of hand
Girlfriend recreated one of my favorite Hokusai prints
500 wins. My first golden portrait.
I highly suggest to stay out of arena tonight. Been holding on to this for about
Looks like she has c*m in her mouth because no living being has that long bottom
I can't believe I failed this dungeon run with this deck.
To a Elixir of Shadows, this card has too much light.
"Soooo good at going face!"
When your opponent is intentionally roping, so you decide to have some fun
cubelock players in a nutshell
Went 12-2 in Arena with the Combo Wombo of Justice (NSFW-Tirion included)
You fucked up! You fucked up!You fucked up! You've done fucked up!
Look at this sideways, what do you see? It cannot be unseen!!!
Why doesn't this just give a Rush keyword?
How does opponents name get past Blizzards filter?
Blizzard: "Can we copy your homework?" Me: "Sure, just don't make
So my friend ragequit after a friendly battle...
Best turn 7?