
A Tour de France injury
Fishing Injury | Mila Kunis Fishing in a Bikini (NSFW)
My first try at a black eye and bruise for fake an injury day at school. How'd I
Was told today I was looking "average" again because I haven't worked out
Updated pic of foot injury - Spoiler
[50/50] Severe spinal injury (NSFW/NSFL) | Batman and Bane
downhill folly : NSFW (injury)
(NSFW) A little something for those of you with injuries
Fondling provoked wrist injury.
Picture of Martins Indi's concussion injury. Speedy recovery champ!
I went camping. I fell. My injury matches my username.
After a few months recovery from a back injury -- feelsgoodman.jpg :) :)
Ripped up, fake injury (NSFW)
Santi wondering if there truly is a higher power after witnessing yet another Arsenal
[50/50] Arm Injury NSFL | Koala bear selfie Not-NSFW
(Warning: injury) The trailing hook was attached to a thrashing 15 pound mahi-mahi.
Stuck in bed from a back injury...
[50/50] Hand Injury | Cute Panda smiling Not-NSFW
Hamstring injuries made me put on a little weight
Before and after of traumatic foot injury
Wartime blast injury to the genitals
Picture of Mpabbè's injury
This is Jamie. She suffers from hot legs syndrome. She can be seen here writhing
M/31/5'9" [235>171=64] 7 months. Approaching non-overweight BMI, couldn't
Eddie Alvarez's eye injury after ONE debut NSFW
M/31/6’2” [214lbs > 183lbs = 31lbs] Im 18 months into a recovery from
Horror movie type injury on child's arm by pit bull attack
Bubble Boy gets thrown by Bull (no death nor any visible injury. Marking NSFW just
We're doing dumb injuries? A few years ago at work I had to lean over a gas powered
Severe shrapnel injury to the face from mine
A 160lb squat bar crush injury.
Exposed Anterior Tibial Tendon Injury (video link in description)
Just a little eye injury
The haptic feedback on my chaperone boundary is a little too good. My first VR injury.
[NSFW] I've seen a lot of finger injury posts here lately, so here's mine after I