Malecall Mennsfw

The only thing wrong with it is that it's not down my throat.
Hungry for it
Parker Williams at Falcon
@JackDixonXX on Twitter
Davide Zongoli, acrobat/dancer/model/actor
Stuart Reardon
Nick McGough by Rick Day (his website in comments)
Selfie Stud
Ramiro Lozano (@ramirolozano_of) by Emilio Gomont (@FotoGomont)
Joseph Whelan, X-Factor contestant
He has needs ...
Rick Fisher by Dylan Rosser
Joseph Simons by NikStudio
Loren Cameron
Mickey at Fratmen (see comments)
"OK, Doc, I'm ready to be examined ... all over."
Maybe I need my house painted. Think he'd come over and give me an 'estimate?'
Killian Belliard (see comments)
Assume the position.
"Hey, you gonna come suck this, or what? [Not OC]
Let it out!
I love a coat-hook cock!
Tyler Harlow by Michael Stokes
Antonin by Andrew Bowman
"Hey, wanna spot me? Yeah, on your knees, in front."
Daniel Paul Young by Joe Mazza
How to Properly Wear a Mask
That's a whole lotta man!
"Yo, is this better?"
Indoor sports.