
[50/50] 5 leafed clover | Massive kidney stone that came out a Redditor's penis (NSFW)
A 24 inch dildo stuck entirely inside of a man who "slipped and fell on it"
The uterus was removed at 21 weeks so the docs could perform surgery on the fetus.
Surgeons manually helping a baby to get free from its amniotic sac
This is why you unload your gun before cleaning it.
Try and guess what happend here... okay we will just tell you⬇️
[50/50] Hawaii streets covered in Lava (SFW) | Lady missing half her face (NSFL)
Dog has bladder stones removed.
Anon has too much sack
The human heart completely drained of blood
Object removal. I can’t even believe what I’m seeing.
Trauma call for lawn mower vs foot
Excess skin removal
(OC) That time i slipped while using a hedge trimmer. Happened back in 2016 and this
Beating heart from an open heart surgery ?
Fixing webbed fingers.
Preserved torso of “Old Croghan Man”, an Iron Age bog body found in Ireland.
[50/50] Cutting into a Chocolate Lava Cake(SFW) | ExtremeCase of Xyoderma Pigmentosum
Texas Pete hot sauce accident. "You must hear this all the time but really,
Another mandolin accident
Almost a year ago, I had a total proctocolectomy due to Crohn's disease.
Skintags removed from one arm pit, one sitting.
I think I’ve just found the perfect thread to share this on - my T3 to L2 spinal
Scrotal abscess four days post op, drainage wick still present
Burned my hand few years back. Almost 3rd degree burns
Fungating tumour, breast cancer
(NSFW) Twin reversed arterial transfusion. A severe subtype of twin-to-twin transfusion
My face after a car accident with arrows pointing towards my eyes, as you can see
Woman self-inserts 35 wooden sticks into the paranasal sinuses via an oroantral fistula
I think the guy who stapled my leg was drunk ಠ_ಠ
Getting stitches and metal rod removed from amputated hand - rod at the end
Welder Receives 2nd Degree Burn to Thigh After Pants Catch Fire (NSFW) (OC)