
My Marine buddy gets his ass slapped so hard he has to run outside
My Marine buddies Nick and Brennan (the one with the uncut cock) having some bro
Marine buddies Sean and Oscar getting ready to go out to the bar
Naked Marine were running around all over this motel that night
Something you rarely see on other sites is the guys laughing and having fun
TRUE BROMANCE: My favorite picture of Marine buddies John and Mac
Neo smoking after he fucked my toy
My Marine buddies wrestling and about to get crazy
Best Marine best buddies Nick and Brennan
Neo smoking with Rex
A good sergeant always checks in on his troops
USMC Bar Buddies
Down to his Silkies...
Neo and I are so chill he didn't mind if I got naked too
Marines crashed after a hard party
Marine all tuckered out with his boots on
Marine buddy fell asleep with a beer (yes he's on the site link in comments)
Nick is everyone's favorite Marine on my site
Dan Before Duty
Dan ON Duty (actually on tour in Afghanistan)
Dan in the barracks
OK just one more for now
Randy and I played pool a lot at our favorite bar
Nick and Brennan wrestling
Giving my straight Navy buddy Allen a blowjob
Sent to me by a straight Marine...obviously I had a different experience :D
Marines naked wrestling
Naked Marines chillin
Randy and Neo comparing cocks
Nick and Brennan, I miss these guys
Nick was my best buddy ever
Randy is super OK with the porn Neo found on his phone
Helping his brother out with the lube is what a good Marine buddy does
Hoping there's still some beer left...
Feels so good to take a nice long beer piss
Naked marine tired from streaking around the Motel 6
Caleb has a huge cock
Sgt James on my couch with Cpl Todd
All gingers have big dicks change my mind
Keith in Cammies
Keith jerking
Magical Michael was something else...
My buddy Robbie trying to distract his beer pong opponent...
BBQ & Beer Pong
Jackson's back side after losing his shot
Robbie and Steve setting up their beer pong game
This party is getting good...
Naked bros getting ready to go out to the bars
[Naked] Bros help [naked] bros
Marines don't think twice about getting naked in the shower together
Caleb's cute ass
Random Marine passed out in my floor
My buddy Jack has a million-watt smile
Just gonna post a shitload of Jack pics
Nice ass, bro
Chuck Naked hiking
Lost a point
Chuck's monster cock
Are you thirsty for my boy Randy?