
Ironmen/lawmen norway : <Millitiamen>
post chernobyl food constency?
clothes fabric flax -- earth based
humpiwan canobis million voices
obsidian "poifectiom"
old perfect humans
Give you monah?
correct paperwork
rombic embargo zone poryria
no ceramics but close enough
recycled dictator undies
mercs + hal + technohippocrites
swordfish helpers
tooawfull lifes exit sign
h.y.d.r.a. crimes follow the animaltrail
H.y.d.r.a. tell
children born with buggy code
Oranges & mongoes good no mattering sexual preferences
Hungry preg women threaten the tiny
impending evil chainreaction
the fun police
Veneration early stages
Hippocrazy prevention principle
Eating stuff with oil BAD
this and that explained
how to trivialize rape with money
Electric cars -- therapy for electroshock
amazon origin story
facebook origin story
discworld very ms-dos
Corny Serbian Toast
serbian boater?
building a life on old jerkoffs
yammerimg about toast?
saving money on half of each month
deatheater farts
Zombieland U Twilight struggle => DEFCON
Corona orig the atmo war on the moon
hydra toiletsystem
My first job as a kid
diamond banking system
nasa vs endor
Alligator CoolAid
persuadertron explained
Shoe parser ironman
cyberware => bioware
lady greys medical nasa
digital coinage
callous budnipping
bonded obect damage issues
Vegetableism & the Q continuum
state machine
imploding house on fire
deleted thread
ticrete bombs
poverty math