Nsfw Photoshop

Does this look fake to you? (mad photoshop skills) (NSFW  Kind of...)
Hey Guys, that now famous creepy epic birthday 
dog picture was photoshopped, here
Yesterday I had the brilliant idea of doing a Photoshop montage where I kissed myself...Turned
Yesterday I had the brillant idea of doing a Photoshop montage where I was giving
A Redditor's friend asked him to send her a picture of him doing something interesting
Extensive PhotoShop - possible nsfw
Where is your god now Reddit?  Or, Photoshop CS5 is so much fun. [NSFW-ish]
Fire up Photoshop and finish the final frame. May the best/funniest/original-ist
Not sure who would come to the door, a horny amputee or just a prostitute with bad
That's what happens when you only know how to use Paint and add Photoshop in your
During sex, what does it look like?  Photoshop Redditors, please pound away and enlighten!
A (nsfw) sketch I made today enhanced with photoshop, what do you think?
Someone please photoshop something NSFW using this.
Sometimes I wonder how we ever enjoyed pornography before Photoshop (VERY NSFW).
I tried out a new way of coloring hair and experimented (see possibly overkilled)
First attempt at the 'x-ray' trick on photoshop: Megan Fox [NSFW]
Drunk friend @ birthday party send me naked photo of other drunk friend. Reddit,
Girl at work got her own back on us guys. Posted these everywhere. Her photoshop
So I am really good with Photoshop and made this for my friend and he doesn't appreciate
My married friend said there was nothing I could do that would embarrass him in a
It's not photoshopped, honest. [nsfw]
Tigerdirect just sent me this ad.  It's one tiny photoshop away from being NSFW.
A Photoshop for the Gore Hounds [NSFW]
After a little Photoshop… [NSFW]
Learning photoshop. (NSFW)
Found a few old prom pictures. Luckily, my girlfriend just learned how to use Photoshop..[NSFW]
So to make this pic not NSFW, I took male nipples 
and Photoshoped them on a female.
First post, please be gentle. I like photoshopping foreskins onto celebrities' heads.
Seen at the Taboo Sex Show in Vancouver: Is this Rob Lowe's face photoshopped onto
A picture I photoshopped of Newt Gingrich that has now become my background! NSFW?
Trollin Miley Cyrus, Gotta love photoshop [NSFW]
So I was asked by a friend to photoshop 2 Ponies so they would Bro-hoof (Brony expression
Cake day! My buddy yawned. Photoshop fun ensued amongst all our friends. [some slightly
My first try at Photoshop [NSFW]
You underestimate the powers of photoshop [NSFW]
Would somebody please Photoshop my friends profile picture? (most likely NSFW)
My friend is just asking to be photoshopped. Anyone care to pitch in? [Soon to be
Dont have boobs, cute cats, or photoshop skills, but didnt want to miss out on cake
I like to make pixelart in photoshop, some of you might recognize the reference photo
I used to think this kind of pictures were photoshopped [NSFW]
I don't remember the context of the argument but, I drunkenly made this in photoshop
Google might a little bitter about that ghost town it calls 'Google Plus' (no a photoshop!
They always photoshop the armpits... [NSFW]