
Begging, just for begging's sake
Could it be...?
Every Saturday is Party Night
Every single trip!
Unlike Gender Roles, Domme/sub Roles Exist for Good Reasons
The Best Kind of Denial
Holding Her Moan
Me, week 4 of quarantine, eating raisin bran, texting someone I met on Tinder 20
Never, Not Even Once
Quarantine Queers
In the Landing Zone
When one is never enough
A Delicate Balance
She Gets Thirsty
Targetting Subs Everywere
Message to the Nation
Alright Alright Alriiiiight
Let's Go!
Bratty Dommes
She's Doing It Because It Breaks the Rules, Though...
Taco Tuesday!
They Get Such a Bad Rep. Sharks, I mean.
We're Playing a Dangerous Game Here
Tell an Amazing Fact!
Being Supportive!
A Tall Task for a Short Sub
Wait, Are You Sure?
where tho...
Too Many to Count, Too Few Even Still
C'Mon! Punish Me!
Was It Her Tone? Did She Make a Face At Me? I Dunno. It Was Definitely Something,
You Did Great and You ARE Great, Babe~
Watching Her Get Slowly Irritated is The Best
Probably Fiction
Professor Megonagall
A Sense of Accomplishment
Look, It's Hard to Explain...
What, Are You Surprised or Something?
You Still Here?
Lost Your Way
Turns Out the Biggest Roadblock... Was Herself
I Spent Almost $800 Worth of Effort Getting This!
To the monster under my bed: feel free to join me under the blanket, it's warmer
When your sub needs to be punished idk im vanilla
When the switch is supposed to be the Dom.
When I make my top run errands for me.
"Wait, but I didn't apply for a new license? Oh..."
Harriet Houdini Who
what can I say I'm a rule follower