
"Not all of them are like that!"
Can y'all wear different hats so we can tell you apart?
White privilege
Black steps on a white student's wrist, they react.
Something doesn't seem right here.
User was banned for this post
me_irl (after Paris attack)
Britain's top export to the US everybody. It's the current year!
Miley Cyrus.
Guide to Being a SJW: White Male Edition
Far Leftist News Networks
Another day in Saudi Arabia, one of America's closest ally
Computers are racist
Not your body, not your choice.
Did the mainstream media tell Bernster pussies to give up 2 months ahead of time?
this sub.. lately...
Real Clear Politics Poll :D
Cool swastika
This explains a lot!
How Trump Resolved the "Birther" issue
The Donald on the Theater
"If Churches were taxed as any other business the National Debt would be wiped
The reality of Auschwitz
Donald Trump's Wet Dream...
Shhhhhh, don't fuck it up now! Remember, wink-and-a-nod, say-no-more, say-no-more.
Alliteration always amplifies an articles amusement!
stupid asian women cant do the math and end up breeding autistic school shooters
The jew gene is one of the most inferior and recessive in the world.
White women will always be the most beautiful and superior. Asian women who try so
hm..makes you wonder
Donald Trump's Simp
Republican "Logic"
White House Approves Jesus fucking Christ in the Manger