
Your thoughts
This is me!
Little under?
little over 6 In what do you think?
What do you think of mine?
Before shave (m)
What do you think? 5.5 to 6 Erect maybe 6.5 on a good day
Got told I was really small in a gwcouples post, didn't help me not hate my dick..
What's the verdict?
Haven't measured...would you laugh?
What do you think?
4,9" long and around 3,7" circumference, liking being confronted that I'm
Guess the size game?
6.3 x 4.8. What do you think?
5.8 x 5.8
Were do I stand?
How is it?
Rate it...
Flaccid Virgin Cock, should I be worried about its size?
Never felt vey big. Honest thoughts and opinions please.
I'd like some honest opinions, please.
An oldie but goodie, imo
Happy with length, insecure about girth. Thoughts?
Been self conscious for years. What do you think? (26) 5'7x5'5
Feeling a bit insecure :/
PMs Welcome
What do you think? Honesty pls.
How close to average?
I'm always scared to initiate sex because I psych myself out thinking it's too small.
Discuss ??
Am i small? Honestly.
Suck my balls?
Guess my measurements?
What you think?