
Just under [7 inches] at full erection. (have slight upwards curve so it's hard to
my 5.5"..... could be longer if I lost weight...
Before I gained weight I was a solid 7", now this is me pushing "to the
4 quarters
Measured my girth around the middle.
Finally found a measuring tape[7x5.5]
8 x 6 BP... I think? Maybe a little more? Which is the correct way to measure length
My Big Softie
Asian growth...can for scale
6.4" length x 6"-5" girth
correct measurement?
Thick 7 inches
Very accurate measurement ! 4,15 cm girth
Hoping to be closer to 6.5" NBPEL if I can lose the extra 20 pounds I'm currently
am i doing this right?
Am I doing this right? 15 cm is average right? Had an encounter that left me feeling
Girth revealed : 14 cm (5.5")
A double measurement! (Damn fat pad)
All my gf’s partners measured! I’m 3rd on the right (7.3” x 5.5”)
Is this measured correctly? 6.5 inches BP but does it look smaller?
not easy to mesure NBP with meter seam a piece is missing
Is this correct? Can I measure sat down?
My redo
6” flaccid girth
Big enough?
Your thoughts?
Did I measure it correctly or not?
Good measurement?
12 cm (4.7 in). Average or small? (26)