
Grunt Magazine was a propaganda magazine produced by civilian employees of the US
TEST Alliance (Reddit's EVE Alliance) Propaganda gallery (700+ images) [Some NSFW]
How JFK May Saved The World With Cigars (A Painting I Made) [NSFW]
Pussy Riot-inspired Propaganda poster by BRUTE! (banned by Facebook).
Denis Lopatin: "Potty Humour". I think "Address to the Nation"
Cigarette from the 'War” series by George Bellows, 1918
Torture, Abu Ghraib, by Max Ginsburg, 2009 [Painting]
publicitate sinceră de la vecinii ucrainieni adaptabilă cu uşurinţă turismului
Iconic election poster, Dutch PSP Pacifist-Socialist Party, 1971 (Ontwapenent means
More from pro-life extremist group Abolish Human Abortion [2013/2014, USA] some NSFL
(X-post from /r/propagandaposters) Dope plus Capitalism Equals Genocide (Contemporary,
WWI - Australia's Imperishable Record, 1913 [600x952]
[NSFW] "Crimes of Ukrainian fascists" [Russia, 2014] (Ukrainian Crisis,
AIDS is a Mass Murderer. 2009, Modern. German AIDS awareness poster
30 Propaganda Posters from North Korea [1945-2011] [NSFW]
Poor Jerry! World War 3 - German NSFW
Top versus Bottom (x-post /r/propagandaposters)
Pro Anders Breivik poster [Neo-nazi, modern]
Anti-American North Korean Propaganda during the Korean War, ca., 1951.
Russian soldier being sodomized by a Japanese soldier, drawn in the style of erotic
Hitler and Mussolini - Special Friends (1943)
"Victim of Fascism - Occupation of the City" (German anti-Russian propaganda,
"Sweet Kills", Thailand 2015 (xpost r/retouching)
"Fuck! Fuuck! Fuuuuck!" France, WWII
"American Progress", modern
"In France they call it l'overcraft" - British Rail use sex to sell their
Which Way White Woman?
Political posters in London [NSFW]
Latuff 2011, Super Saiyan 3 Goku sodomizing Chilean president Sebastián Piñera
South Korean "Comfort Women" Poster with Imperial Japan Flag imagery