Random Acts Of Amazon

[Gifted] GeorgeDouglasMcFly - Gift-Wrapped NSFW Goodness
[Thanks] AZeldenrust just made my day!!!! <3 (Possibly NSFW)
[Gifted](jojewels92) NSFW surprise!
[Thanks!] kalanz for Cards Against Humanity! I played with my roommates AND parents
[Thanks] White_tiger_!! I'm a responsible and mature adult - I'm not afraid to put
[Thanks] so much Quietly_Alice for the contest winnings! It's about to get sexy up
[Thanks] 813594... I may try to sing your name each time even if it is the wrong
[Thanks] To Anita aka my lover for the tablet because my laptop died a horrific death
[Gifted] /u/MMAPhreak21 for being a righteous dude
[Thanks]. CampBenCh for the new...ahem....toy :). NSFW
[Thanks] Idem22 for the compass! Now to find a knife and spyglass
[Gifted] henraldo here's a little something to make you feel better and let you have
[Gifted][NSFW] Pandas_Mom, the rightful heir to the crown in PaganPirate's "King,
[Thanks] AMAZING tandem7 - you shot me... with smut!!!! <3 <3 <3
[Thanks] damnyoureloud for the awesome Tibetan prayer beads!
[gifted] Timelady84 for entering my NSFW contest and not being the winner.
[Gifted] ListenToTheMusic (NSFW, kids go away)
[Gifted] Matronix - a cool book and something you *have* to try (nsfw)
Pump it up!! [Thanks] CampBenCh!!
[Thanks] ambachan ... this lightsaber is pretty unusual looking.... [NSFW]
[Gifted] lizzipizzo--for Carol Jr. From qizi, bicarbonates and qwil :)
[Gifted] The0therWhiteMeat. For your body. Mm. (From qizi, xanadu020, Katieluvspookie,
[Gifted] KidCadaver. Because you need a little relaxation. From SirRipo, Konnichiwa,
[Thanks] for the beanie, qwil! Now I have something to keep my head warm while I'm
[Gifted] pony_hawk. For your "sunburn".
[Gifted] Katieluvspookie, so you can keep drawing on RAOA and TC.
[Gifted] Doctorohw. If your snaps are any indication, these should come in handy.
[Gifted] flying_fresian ;D
[Gifted] KidCadaver. Follow your dreams.
[Thanks] Philosopizer! I am thoroughly embarrassed, and happy. My brother came upstairs
A super special gigantic [Thanks] to /u/scissorbaby for my wonderfully awesome NSFW
[Gifted] KidCadaver. From rambopandabear, chronos42, sirripo, lizzipizzo, rarelyserious,
[Thanks] scissorbaby for the awesome handmade glass toy! (nsfw)
[Gifted] Telepathic_monkey from my NSFW contest because rules don't apply to me!
[Gifted] nikky2069, a little something to show you I appreciate what you're doing
[Gifted] MeghanAM, something for your car! :) Drive safely!
[Gifted] giggidywarlock, bunnysoup, Boogidy, 0hfuck, and nerdybirdie. HAPPY FRIDAY!
[Gifted] congrats nerdiebirdy! Sorry it couldn't be more
[Gifted] /u/angelicbabygirl for living in the same state as me or something
[Gifted] missmercy87 because I'm addicted to giving :/
[Gifted] englishmusic, because I've been wanting to for a while. Merry (day after)
Great Scott! [Thanks] Matronix for the Marty McFly Funko!
NSFW!!! [Thanks] Mystery gifter! :0 :0 Reveal yourself, so I can love you!!
[Thanks] wee-pixie for the Gamecube controller! Time to kick some ass...with class.
[Thanks] bunnysoup for the knife sharpener! Now show me to those problematic coworkers...
[Thanks] msnaughtykitty! I think it definitely will! (; NSFW
[Gifted] purrImacatpurpur for being the raffle winner in my NSFW Contest
[Gifted] Karmakerosene for the entertaining line in my NSFW contest
[Thanks] CourtingEvil !!! ! !
[Gifted] Yokuo for being a motherfucking sorcerer!
[Thanks] Middlesock and barroomhero38!
[Thanks] This painting is unmentionably fresh! Thank you, /u/KailieMinota!
[Thanks] for giving me herpes!
[Thanks] For the hysterical apron u/jkpenrod