
[M/18] I'm just curious, how do i look?
[19M] be completely honest, you won't hurt my feelings
Hey! It's my birthday tomorrow and I wonder what you'd rate me. At least check me
[22M] - Been a lurker. It's my turn now
(18m) need some opinions (NSFW: some shirtless pics)
[28M] Honest feedback please. My personal score for myself hovers around a 4 out
[NSFW] M21 looking for the harshest feedback you can give
[M21] Looking for an honest rating! Been doing calisthenics and running a lot. Two
[22M] after 2 weeks browsing this sub got the courage to post
[M] Always wanted to know 6’6”
[M/19] Curious to what you all guys think about. Average?
[26M] I've never actually done this, and was just curious. Please, be honest.
[M26] Rate me please. Also, could I pull off a shaved head?
Rate me [18M] NSFW body video
[M21] 5'10 Would you think I am a nerd, cs engineering student just by looking at
[23M] Looking for honest answers as to how I look after being consistently rejected
Rate me peeps :)[M25]
[M33,5] One year since the break-up. Healthy food and work-out since then. Ready
[M22] Recently broke up and curious of how I fare!
[26F] starting to date again; want to put my best foot (and face!) forward...
(21m) been shaving my head bc receded hairline, honestly have no idea where i stand