
My homemade device
NSFW How bad is it? I can't cum half of the time.
what is my CI and best method
My homemade restoration device.
Skin texture does not go straight down. Seems to curve towards the bottom. Is this
What kind of skin did I grow?
first picture showing me restoring
Am I doing it right (read comment below)
Do I have any frenulum left?
Very new to this sub -- I'm not sure if i'm C1 or doomed. What methods/devices would
How much of my frenulum is left?
CI-0 or CI-1? Any suggestions for someone low on the spectrum?
Balloon Animal 2
Slight discolouring/numbness after wearing an o-ring for too long. The left side
Going for full erect coverage wearing a 50mm DTR retainer here, currently between