
When it gets cold out I've started looking uncut!
Rollover! If I wear briefs, I stay about half-covered now.
Post-run, post-shower coverage
My new foreskin feels so good! [soft in comments]
I'm enjoying the new normal
About 1.5 year's worth of progress from restoring part time
17 months! Slow but steady!
Starting to make real progress
2 Month Progress
Couple months of restoring. This only happens when sitting down but it makes me happy
Restoring my Taiwanese dick
Frenulum is present.
Feel the stretch
High tech hands free red light therapy
Subtle 1.5 year progress of inconsistent restoring. Long way to go, but the difference
Using Andres method along with devices. When should I add more O rings?
I have been restoring off and on for more than 10 years
Awesome resensitization from using a ManHood. Sex rules again.
I took my manhood off today and this is how it stayed for a bit, I was happy how
Started with the TLC-X last June after switching from the regular TLC tugger. Have
Uncircumcised and circumcised glans
DTR, here we go!
Using aquarium air pump and some aquarium stuff to do direct air, feels good
My new daily ware: kinesio tape and a 40mm steel ball
When cut in half, silicone ear gauges work perfectly as o-ring retainers.
Decided to slap on my FED device today
1 Month of Restoring During Lockdown (DTR+ Andre's method when possible + O-Rings
Custom washer stack stretch
1 month to 5 months progress. Sorry for the silly format
TCL-X with rubber bands
Have never done any restoration. I guess this is between a 3 and 4? I want to restore
Started manual tugging every night. Would get slight coverage when super flaccid
Getting more coverage after taking off my device ?
After a bad streak of breaking my tugger devices I decided to go back to manual.
Finally set up a tugger for my self!
The stealth retainer does work! I’ve stretched like, a mm in 1mo.
Starting to look pretty good ?
After taking the DTR off for the day
Inflation + a pound of weight, outer skin only in the gripper means all my inner
Five months of progress! While of course I want more more more, I'm proud of where