
DAE have a shameful crush Alex Jones? Such a hot bear, but so retardedly crazy..
This bitch is fucking retarded.
How Retarded Cripples deal with riff-raff
Douche retard
Bath time at the Retard House
People were retarded back in the day (NSFW)
Prime example: Retarded Crippled Poster Child
Comic: “you can't be sexist to men or racist to white people" "oh no,
Deray is a retard
got called a 'retarded beached whale' today! so fuck that guy! here is an after shower
Was doing some Christmas shopping for friends and the only one being offered had
This girl is just drunk/hungover and maybe looks a bit goofy naturally. She is NOT
I know it's mild, but this article was retarded.
well looks like im rekt, been a fucking retarded ride. ty for lols.
Jenny McCarthy efore She Went Full-Retard
Them titties ain't retarded.
Touching a Fire Retardant suit
To the mom who called her mentally ill son a retard because he didn't want to take
How many of you retards saved this pic?
I finally figured out why she looks so retarded. She is not human!!
What In Retardation
Bangalore city police goes full retard, while uncovering a "huge" scam
This is retarded.
31 m trying to not look like a retarded serial killer
Nobody tell that retard texan where we are.
"I swear some days I'm retarded" - the snapper who allowed me to screenshot
A combination favorite things: Stupid TV shows with retarded actors, and Rick &
This is the face of california gun control. If my a2 looks fucking retarded I'll
People getting their news from social media is like a giant game of Telephone where
It's retarded
Never go full retard [nsfl]
I'm trying to show stuff my sister and bf take but I can't figure this out. In retarded
Everything can be a gender if you're retarded enough
FXX censored “retarded” but not “fuck” in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Red Dead Retardation
el retard
TFW I scored 99% in CBSE but my parents are retarded.
You like that you fucking retard?
Posting my dick for the retards arguing with me to see
Udderly Retarded - xpost r/hangers
I love getting edged and retarded to girls I know IRL