
"Really? You honestly have no idea why the Masters have us chained up like this?"
For slavegirls in the human quadrant, the ice bucket challenge takes many forms.
Gagged, bitch-suited/chained to the floor/she could only lie there/and beg for more
It took far too long for Luigi Galvani's groundbreaking work on nipple and breast
Penis gag slavegirls never hurry, they know the other girl will cum long before their
She wondered why they called it a "centipede trainer" and then just giggled
Working the pole for all she's worth
A butt extender post can teach a slavegirl that her ass belongs to her Master, not
The Slavegirl Orgasm Launcher, with safety restraints
A Sexual Social Media Star Creates Content
Slavegirls don't win prizes, they ARE the prizes
Helena Bonham Carter pre-Marchant-Ivory
A truly evil Master
Slavegirls making sure that the party sucks
Triple Orgasm Party Time!
"You can't fuck all my holes at once, Master," she'd said.
She Got The Hook Up!
Slave girls that try to run away are kept in cages
The tie is called the "slavegirl embrace" -- she can physically express
Once you have a slave in a blowjob box with her hands tied behind her back, giving
Thanks to modern BDSM tech, any woman can experience the feel of a pair of balls
Slavegirls are often suspended for maximum molestation convenience
Slave displayed naked for all to see
That smile you get when you know you have all the pussy.
Accidental Renaissance Spanking
When no amount of writhing will dislodge the vibrator and the orgasms just keep rolling
The butthook and hairlift pulley is a great way to get slavegirls onto and off of
Harley Quinn awaits use by the Joker (chances of her butt going unspanked are approxlmately
She stared in horror. She couldn't believe it. To be photographed ... like this ...
She's about to either sneeze or orgasm. Maybe both!
Mr. Sanders discovered that having a slavegirl model his student's devices really
The best slavegirls diligently and hopefully practice their multi-tasking
Classical slavegirl owners are often quite shallow: they favor the girl with the
You don't always need a collar to leash a girl up
Subspace touchdown
Ready for the next man
Body shame does not exist for slavegirls -- their bodies are their owner's property,
Slavegirl barrista training is long and hard and in and out, like most forms of slavegirl
Pulling herself up by her bootstraps did no good -- the dildo was deep inside her
There's no 'mirin like slavegirl 'mirin
A tight, taped and tanned slavegirl with only a ballgag to keep the noise to earthquake
Why did Master always think he had left his keys in that one place?
Slave girls learn that nothing must be denied to the master
Sentenced to slavegirlhood, she kept saying she was framed, but no one would believe
She wasn't sure exactly what Master had planned for her, but she hoped she'd find
All new girls are required to learn these by heart
She has to do them all. And she doesn't get to move on to the next one until she
A table, shackles, a dental gag and a butthook: add slavegirl and you've got a blowjob
Slavegirl psychologists will stop at nothing to make a patient have a breakthrough
Manufactured Consent
A simple tool to train a girl to walk with her ass stuck out
Asshook to mouthgag
Sizism may not be fair, but it can be fun
Sometimes it takes some effort to convince a slavegirl of her helplessness
When slavegirls serve on the bench, they REALLY serve on the bench!
She was the life of the party!
Being an experienced slavegirl, she had a pretty good idea what would happen next