
Couslon's face when he found out about <you know who>
Reddits been compromised [spoilers] (nsfw)
[Spoilers][Theory] This split second convinced me that someone is behind those eyes!
How Warrrrd makes me feel
(Potential spoilers?) It was right in front of us...
Haven't seen anyone point this out. Anything from the finale seem familiar?
[SPOILER] Fun for the whole family
[SPOILER] Something Skye said in s02e01 confused me...
Anybody else notice the symbols in S02E01?
[SPOILER] I hope I wasn't the only one thinking this last night
[SPOILER] S02E04 - I hope someone else was thinking this last night NSFW
[Spoiler] Agent Coulson recast in classic movie
[Spoiler] The home of the Inhumans...Attilan. Explanation in comments.
[SPOILER] The dress Skye wore in the dream sequence of last weeks episode is full
After seeing this guy at the end of last night's episode, all I could think about
[SPOILER][THEORY] Something I noticed in Cal's office.. NSFW
[Spoiler] Hot, right?
[Finale reaction] [minor AoU spoilers] Chloe Bennet gets a stern word from Marvel
Spoilers Season 2 finale
SPOILERS! Didn't think it would be in fish oil, but my prediction was close, 6 months
Surprised no one noticed may's locker numbers. (Not really spoilers.)
Surprised no one noticed May's locker number (not really spoilers)
[No spoilers] Clark Gregg poster this on IG. This would be the best show ever.
[SPOILER] S2-E2 - Ahh, the wonders of AD placements for Women's Boots [NSFW]
Creepy %$#^ guy and %$#@! are working together now...
[SPOILER][S03E05] So is this who we're thinking is the mysterious figure?
Lash's transformation
[SPOILERS]The beautiful Ming-Na Weng.
[Spoiler] Anyone else who played skyrim noticed this? (x-post from /r/skyrim)
(Season 1 Spoilers) S1E3 Synopsis: Gravity Falls
[Spoilers] Avengers/Asgardian connection?
[Spoilers 3x09] For all my fellow crewmates aboard this ship!
[SPOILER] (S2E8) Hydra is REAL!
[SPOILER S3E8] Hydra's Real Goal
[Spoilers S3Ep8] What if THIS is the guy that Hydra's trying to bring back to Earth?
(Spoilers) Found this while watching "Closer". Please tell me what you
[SPOILER][S03E10] How to fix Hydra
[SPOILER] I understood that reference
[Spoilers S03E10] Regarding relationships
[Possible Spoilers?] But I'm not afraid of women...
[SPOILER] Should I apply?
[SPOILER] for latest episode I guess
[How cool would it have been to see the Hive energy blast at this moment?](/spoiler)
[Spoilers] I can't get over how much they look like a metal band
[Spoilers] Hive needs money for the war effort, please buy the album he produced.
[Spoilers] S3E20 Synopsis: Our Inhuman Cousin
The Shotgun-Axe That Was Promised
First day of shooting S4! Sneak peek.
[Spoilers] S4E1 Synopsis: Halloweenie
S04E01 Daisy intro recut, so she comes back to the safe house instead of leaving
[S2 Spoilers] S2E1 Synopsis: Dirty Work
[Spoiler S04E05] Ghost Rider uses chain whipping. It's super effective!
How did nobody notice this?? Reyes in Daredevil season 2!