
every time my face is a cock magnet
Whenever I show up late for work [NSFW]
Taking the bus to work again!
My face when I read he "pulled his big cock out of Brady's cock with an audible
MRW someone asks for seconds and there's no more food
When I eat mexican food directly after eating indian food. [NSFW]
When I found out David Archuleta is my biological father.
Bragging to all of my friends about my cakeday [Possibly NSFW]
MFW gifs loop perfectly
MRW my girlfriend tells me we're out of milk. [NSFW]
MRW I find out I have crabs. [nsfw]
MRW my mom leaves period blood on the toilet seat.
MRW a Best Buy Sales Rep doesn't know what a wire stripper is...
When it's my first day as a firefighter and I'm trying to impress my new colleagues.
Polishing (m)y knob ;-* [NSFW]
When I walk in on my two sisters in the shower
MRW I visit /r/spacedicks
My reaction when something feels funny in my ass.
MRW I have a penis
MRW I'm an alien and get a job as a burlesque dancer
MFW I tip m'fedora to m'ladies
MRW an invisible wizard unveils me as a lizard person and turns my forearms into
MRW i'm a milking machine and the dairyman drinks milk straight from the hose
[NSFW] MRW Kristen Bell breaks up with me.
MRW the finish line is made of razor-wire
MRW i chew 5 gum NSFW/NSFL
MRW I visit r/atheism
MRW She tells me to put the taco in the basket
MRW I picked a Master Rank Difficult Chest in Skyrim and I get wooden sword out of
MRW she tells me to go deeper but I got nothing left NSFW
MFW eating the pussy
When I'm waiting for the ping pong ball
When I'm a metaphor for slut shaming
MRW a girl with a black eye says she slipped and smacked her face on a door know
MRW I let all my adopted kids know that I unsubscribed from /r/nofap
MRW my bf, who tried to kill me by throwing acid in my face, finally breaks up with
MFW i get my first boner
MRW the battery in my back is not enough anymore and I need something more extreme
When mom goes to the store and you have the whole living room to yourself
MRW I yelled that somebody I'm in the bathroom but the person busted in anyway. [NSFW]
MRW I try to make slapping a pussy ass nigga look sexy
MRW I lost my virginity
MRW I’m self conscious and someone walks in the from and says “It smells like
MRW my much taller boyfriend and I have been having sex for a bit too long and he
My friend tries to exorcise someone with a dildo but his hands have been possessed
MRW I go down on my GF but I forgot she's on her period.
MRW I have a flashback of my first date. NSFW
MRW me and my straight buddy are watching a porn and it gets super hot but then we
Casually putting on an invisible jet pack (Marked NSFW because there hasn't been
MRW I push the button on my electric toothbrush before I put it in my mouth
1 MRW the bible reading gets to Judges 9:27 International Standard Version
MRW When my friend asks if I remember my favorite part of the horror themed orgy.
MRW I hit the Human Torch with my car