
Just a big ol' softy.
1st softy post.  Love comments
Softie after cumming :)
not a Giant softie but a softie from a giants fan
Softy after getting out of the shower. PM's from ladies are welcome :)
Softie in sweats... also, ZOMG 1st post! :P
Softie and balls from below
I like my softie because it reminds me what a sissy cockslut I am, just waiting to
Just discovered found this AMAZING sub and enjoyed it so much I just had to show
First time on r/softies, here's [M]y 18 y.o. softy. Let me know what you think.
A softie for the ladies who like softies.
Fix my softie with your softie. Or with your boner I don't care if just like penis
My First Softie! Lifting up the heavy softie
If softie meant sad, this would mean softie
Softie this saturday...Who wants to help me get off?
Once a softy always a softy, thoughts?
Softie in bed today!
Softie with low hanging balls
Fat Softie
Here's a close up softie... I think it looks pretty ?
My thick softie
Softie about to get hard as hell
Work Softie
Any love for an uncut softie?
Different angle ✔ fat softie ✔
Nice and clean softie fresh out of shower
My softie
Rock'n a beer and a softie
Morning Softie
Suit softy
softie on the toilet
Woke up to some sunshine on my softie. Didn’t last long (the softie that is).
Softie to start the day
Softie and a whiskey shot
Do you like my pink bathroom and my softie ?
Doing laundry softie
Shower softie! Upvote if I should post more ☺️
Do post coital softies count?
Trimmed softie
Softie u see my desk
Preshower softie
A old softie pic as it's the only decent softie pic I have (18)
Softie and more :)
A softie in a hot tub of water. The softie won't last for long
Softies are the best!
Vacation hotel softie
Freshly shaved softie. Rubbing the coconut oil on while make the softie go away.
New fade for my softie
Softy for now
Softy in the sunlight.
Actually a 100% softie
Heavy bush and my softy