
Almost Ready
Pitching A Tent
She Knew The Whole Time
Damn Well
Patron Saint
Showing off at the Festival
Your girlfriend posted this on facebook... All your friends can see it.
She's going with friends, and there's not enough room in the car for you...
He always tells her the passenger door is broken...
You didn't think she'd be interested...
Your girlfriend always cooks breakfast when your friends come over
He stayed outside chatting with her all afternoon...
When you got there, she still wasn't dressed...
You told her later you just forgot to cover her...
Your dream come true
She didn't notice for an hour.
You begged her to button up her shirt but she wouldn't do it
You knew what she wanted
He didn't
She loves when your friends just drop by
She knew all your friends were coming
She goes almost every day
Family day at the pool
Your girlfriend
Wish you didn't work for Halloween
...fuck me in the ass.
It became a weekly tradition
Business attire
She really wanted it
You say you're not worried
Always stains on her scrubs
You kept annoying your girlfriend to wear short skirts in public
Pulled to the side
Same outfit
Work procedures
Out of their way
He'd never leave her
Some wife
Helpful bully
Business trading
She needed the vitamin D
You told your GF to wear something a bit sexier than her usual 1 piece to the pool
Never questioned their intentions
The ride home costs extra
Pleasant surprise mid-day message
Doesn't want to be rude
You were too busy to go
New to the game
Her boss expects a daily report from her first thing each morning
Came home with no tan lines
Your wife certainly didn't mind the attention all your friends were giving her
Busy work vacation
Happy Monday. Do you like a good tease?