
Saw this today. Bad and late.
This is just...just why? [NSFW]
Except for the fact that this was not released in the 90s...
Filtered as fuck, words cut off. Your typical shitty fb/ig meme.
Well...I know we've all done this at some point before...
[NSFW] The photoshop is of higher quality than the humor
Do u make trap?
Comment for Jesus
Does it count if someone shares an (awful) instagram screenshot on Facebook?
Happy Hump Day ;)
Two guys I know on Facebook are currently engaged in a "meme war". Some
Ned Stark Wants Pancakes Apparently
Came up on my post feed today. I thought I was free...
Rule 34 with Kermit and Missy Piggy seems to be common with these shit memes
I loved this episode of the Office
Why the hell would you post this on Facebook
That's why you get nudes before the hook up
"Bruh where these kinda girls at ?? Lmao not in the field that's for sure stl
Alrighty then
Get her some prayers STAT!
Ain't none like it!
ya but how do you explain all the OTHER animals? LOL
Damn it, Carl. You've got your mother on Facebook. Come on, man.
Um, spoilers?
Leave Squirtle and my childhood out of it.
I just don't understand Mula Gang.
"Real freaks..."
Sure, but do we need to make a meme about it?
Another one of these.... wtf...
What can you do? [NSFW]
haha big black dildo!! xD
Women you are powerful beyond measures....
The Devil's Doorbell...don't touch your hole (NSFW)
Don't be afraid to show your love!
[NSFW] Is that even possible??
Creepy shitpost comic raked in nearly 3k Facebook likes. A new fb friend of mine
Mmm just how I like it
[NSFW] I have no words
Get ? a ? man ? whom ? treats ? you ? right ????????
Oh my...
Beast mode “Activate”
This, apparently, is funny to someone.
NSFW I'm bad at titles, but this ones pretty bad
2 layers of trash
But only on Tuesdays
Courtesy of my girlfriends delinquent brother
When she’s into older guys
Religion drops to 0% as everyone in the world has seen this image
3 nurses ride a dead man
NSFW Scrolled across this gem today
Facebook is the worst
Please touch me!