
Can I pass at this time
Just wishing for HRT now...
28 mt[f] 13 Months HRT—Do I sex?
After the amazing response last week, I'd thought I'd treat you all to another :3
Rachel 1987 to 2014 (NSFW)
Does my bottom half pass? ignore any bulges. 5 Months HRT
[22 MTF - 5 months HRT] Do I Pass? Honest Opinions Only Please!
(Warning: small wound on my nose, not sure if that counts as NSFW) pre-everything--age
Artistic piece: "Me, without you"
So, just wondering if my body is starting to pass at all? 14 weeks of injections.
how ok does my body look like?
NSFW Do I look like a girl yet? 20, 4 months HRT
2 years HRT, MTF in the Nude. How do I pass? (no hate pls) [NSFW]
22 MtF | 28 Months of HRT, Almost done saving for FFS!
Gonna tag this as NSFW just incase. Thoughts?
[nsfw] I'm 20 now! ~14mos MtF HRT
How is my body? 1.5 years on hormones. Still trying to lose muscles.
(NSFW) How gendered is this body? Sorry for blur, scared of being outed
Mtf 10 months boobies [NSFW]
Boobs at last! So excited. :)
MtF Trans/20/5'5/164lbs I get really really self conscious about my body that it
Gender my headless body (nsfw)
31/1y10m HRT - I was wondering how my body is perceived. A less posed shot.
31/1y10m HRT - I was wondering if there is any femininity in my body.
My shirt signifies how I feel inside
Raw Feminine Energy™ radiates deep from within this image
how does my body pass? mtf
Got this cool shirt that fits with my yellow chekered pants! Wdy think? ?
Anything clocking me? (NSFW)
How does my body look? How old am I? Am I on hrt? If yes, how long have I been on
Is my body femme enough?
1y 7m, do I pass?
So not as much me, but I'm supposed to hot tub on an extremely remote vacation. Yay
mtf//32 at the beginning of my journey, pre laser and hrt, how am I doing? Any advice