
This guy from my town.
Strange mens dickz
Thank you, meth!
Yes daddy
Family Values #CollegeFund
Word of advice
Karma is certainly the B-Word for Ashley!
When your kid comes second to the perfect selfie lighting.
Her dad literally came over from Mexico
No one want to see this
Man I can't imagine why someone would punch you
Yes, too soon a$$hole
Grumpy bear...
Everyone ELSE is a scumbag
Yes, you can get worms. Thanks for asking.
Because drugs and alcohol are always a good combination
I want me some o that guvmint cheese!
Her baby is 6 days old
Because sometimes you just need some buffalo wings
Her boyfriend is in jail for stabbing her, she's also 4 months pregnant.
Drond Puppies
Threatening to kill over a broken down car. Nice.
Does this count as trashy? She's in a relationship and her whole family is on Facebook
Nicotine poisoning is not the flu
Slightly choosy on 4th of July
Gonna sound racist, but its not meant to be....
I loaned the girl who posted this $50 and never saw it again. She asked for another
An old coworker
Utterly Disturbing Pregnancy Announcement
Found on Facebook. What a treat.
It’s a mix of both r/trashyfacebook and r/shittyHDR
Hard Pass
I give you the trash yes motherfuker on the internet
That’s 2.3 World of Warcraft subscriptions ?
What is she even saying?!
Complaining about your SO on Facebook when you know they use Facebook
This racist f&&ks Facebook profile.
Racist trash is proud to lynch!
Proud to be an American!
I'm not sure he's asking enough for this...
When you OWN THE LIBS even on your wedding day
Haven't seen that model before...
"There's good people on both sides"
A good ol boy