
We decided to get high and this was the result. NSFW!
Sharing a moment at [6]. Anyone else enjoy making love high? (slight nsfw)
Kitty says: "Please enjoy."
This still has hit me harder emotionally than anything has in a long time. i feel
My buddy got this for me in the Dominican (NSFW)
Smokin' a blunt, at a [6]. A buddy bursts out laughing while on his phone and shows
We should all post our pumpkins!  Here's mine =D
Returning the favour (slightly NSFW)
Mary Jane herself.
Does this happen to anyone else?
Oops.... [NSFW]
First time I ever smoked.
Sex [9]
The correlation is evident, yet not in the least bit surprising. (xpost from /r/marijuana)
...and that, is how cotton mouth was defeated.
Good Morning.
That's no stripper pole...
My little girl is showing her growing majesty.
Damn that's hot [NSFW] (new link)
I raise the Roof with Buddha
Me at a very torn [8]
They didn't smell a thing....
I drew this just for you guys. Underwater joints for all! NSFW
Sooooo... Where do I get one of THESE? [NSFW]
To shit an ent [NSFW]
What buying from teenagers feels like :(
Fellow ents, I present the "Fucking Pipe"
Nothing like toking up and arriving home to this...
I bought a downstem that didn't fit to one of my Bongs so I tried forcing it into
[NSFW-ish] After 7 years of service, R.I.P my frient :(
My boyfriend got me into Reddit, here's my first post
My boyfriend and smoking buddy is out of town, which means i'm smoking alone tonight
My Smoke Spot
Careful this is pretty damn NSFW. These girls get me all sweaty just looking at them
Took this pic a while back, want to share
I thought you guys might like this
Probably a repost(sorry). Two of my favorite things. NSFW
Let's bake
The best butter makes the best cookies! These made me smile before even eating them!
PSA: If you're gonna make dabs, make sure you know what you're doing or your arm
Smoke spot - middle of an airfield at sunset
Hash oil, kief, blue dream timebomb bong [10]
My 21st birthday(7/15/2014) was spent in Venice Beach, California. My awesome friends
Too good for young eyes
My setup! What do you think?
"I already feel like I'm on the moon dude"
I like it raw. No protection. [NSFW]
So long, farewell. I'll see you frients one day
Perfect view
Learned that as an adult, I have no idea of what flavour jelly bean is what based
So, my dorm is throwing a party. Had to do a double take - God bless legalization!
To anyone who thought I was bullshitting on my "I'm Done Smoking [0]" post
Got a penis-length nug!
My very first dab rig! There's some google henchman watching my search history and
I love a mixed bag
[NSFW] Nice piece