
Hottie Smoking [NSFW Pic]
My art from last night [8]: Muse of the Multiverse [NSFW]
[5] Trying to figure out why the front burner won't heat up.
Strategically placed.. (NSFW)
at a solid [7] and realized something... NSFW
Problems I face while high
Stumbled onto r/beatingwomen
When I arrive at work and find donuts on the counter [2]
Any other Ents love this show?
Just a Calmer Whore... (slightly NSFW)
A solid attempt! [GIF]
Needed to restock, winter arrived.
I don't know if yoo have seen this....
I would say I was high when I made this last night...
How I feel drinking an Arizona after a smoke sesh
best valentimes ever rage
How [10] Guy makes his money
love this angle
Look at this green beauty! [NSFW]
My Birthday's 4/20... Show me some love :)
Happy 4/20 Ents... [NSFW]
Not sure what to think of this. [kinda nsfw]
I'll just leaf this here... [nsfw]
My smoke spot at Uni today.
Don't smoke weed, they said
And Now, For All You Lady Ents!
Play Skyrim at a [7]
Ready to break in the new pieces
Popped up on Facebook, thought you guys would enjoy
I hate the cold, I can't wait for summer.
Nug porn
Beautiful girl with beautiful smoke
Speaking of girly pieces, here are mine. NSFW.
Working with a hidden compartment pipe. Gotta love it
It may not be the most beautiful looking, but this is my biggest pickup ever and
Sobering up from an [8] just found this saved on my desktop
At [8] with creeper 'stache PayPal made me take a selfie for its app to pay for my
"Do we have a banana?"
The weirdest thing I've ever drawn while high (kind of NSFW)
Dankrupt. Still love herb but kief/hash bowls are so awesome.
Any other Gotham ents?
Smokespot of today. Roskilde Festival-Denmark
I love the sweet smell of fresh grinded weed!
Am I weird? I do this sometimes.
High quality bud and THC Capsules (first experience with these)
I want to dive in a tub of this Sour Diesel like Scrooge McDuck
Wishing everyone a fun night from The Netherlands.
When she starts to show ?
Best stoner movie ever
Got my new torch and threw some slaps on it! (NSFW?)
Half pound of Donkey Kong and Tangerine Kush. Illegal state for illegal customers.
Sunburn. Looking great, it smells like sour patch kids.
First legal trim!
Tried to clear my bowl for a wake n bake. I don't want upvotes, an F in the comments
Rate my setup, Friends
Some Colorado Fire