
I'm hooked! (Could not source)
Another interesting design
[F Human ->Slug-Girl, Post-TF, Multibreast, Goth] Sluggirl by Narrative775
Tongues are just mouth tentacles, change my mind (link to comic in comments)
Lizzie mid-transformation by SpaceOwl
Careful, she's gonna eat your head uwu (FurryCoins)
Half-Life half heaven
Monster Ambassador - Get Inside an Imp! [FM] (KiwiKelp)
"Monmasu" by allesey
Release into the kraken
New bathroom
Sexy succubus tail #2
Sexy succubus tail #1
TFW no dragon girlfriend to dominate you
Anyone else a fan of straitjackets?
[Melting/Malleable/Slime Girl] Karen's Wet Shirt by SM's Fantasy
Looks like for the first time ever my topmost sub is about to change. Excited for
Aloe (janong) [Hishuzoku Reviewers]
Scylla from Clover Theatre
Mimic twins from Clover Theatre
(scene in comments) Vega's never going to admit how much she wants to fuck! [Monster
[Monster Girl] Come On In by FluffyXai
Cum Slave Lamia
Piper by Crunchy Banana
[OC] Insect Tomboy
NightGaunt smothering a dong with her eldritch tits and earnestly licking its head
Hope Hughes "Chimera Form" by AdelFaust.art
What has science done?! (Rikkitz) [Naga]
Giant gorgon
Catgirl tentacles
Pretty strange tentaclejob
If anyone wondered how Ina gets around
This plant girl comic finally got translated (link in comments)
Guilty about her midnight snack
Kristina the Reborn
Kraken by melt
Gazer (msChalk)