U Allenwyatt19

I can smoke here, the rules don't apply to me.
Maybe Maybe Maybe
and ............she's out
And a diet coke please.
Dude can dance
Cornelius Wants a Hug
Random act of kindness gets rewarded
Man jumps over Tour de France mid race
Doge vs. Hooman in noodle eating contest
? An extremely rare albino alligator ?
Just helping with the oil change...
Los que alguna día fueron primeras bases. Que chingoneria.
Her face says it all! ??
Semi tire getting loose on the highway...
140 million year old, 500kg dinosaur femur discovered in France
Taming the wild beast
pUpPy DiEs AfTer beING foRcED To caRRy a heavY loaD
Horrific car crash (NSFW) | Pupper can’t drive (SFW)
Dominos cards
There is always that one guy in your group
Micro gallons of rains water
Finally sees her dog after 2 years.
this woman drifting in her car
Are you ok human
Elephant Uses a Stick to Clean Between his Toes
Gas Station Skimmer. Always yank it before you put it in
Tide Pod Challenge
Little girl gets adopted
Maybe Maybe Maybe
The African Caracal
HMFT after I get in a crash without wearing a seatbelt
saying hi!!?
pupPY geTs IngnOreD for TOo lONg aND kiLLs His owNeR
Knock Knock.
How cute ?
Cow smashing some Zoomies
2 dogs are trying to help a cow.
Thanks, I hate baby owls
Just a man and his moo doggo
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Forearm Training for Bouldering/Rock Climbing
The road section was equipped with lighting built into the road.