U Elizabeth2332

U go girl
It was a joke Sheryl, just like my life.
Fuckin' Hambeast
Why did god create atheists?
*Kisses pickle loudly*
Wait for it...
Table Platter.
Basket star caught off the coast of Singapore
Be careful now
Husband is shocked that his wife's body changes after 3 kids, complains about it
If you can't handle me at my worst
Kites are way better, too.
Batter breaks his own bat from swinging so hard.
I cant believe you've done this
Parachute failure
? Golden Langurs are very wise ?
Seals are just dogs of the sea
How deep is the dock???
Bouncy bunny cake
Freestyle base jumping coon
Complete ignorance
Wake up!
Creating bubble birds at a kite festival
[SLPT] How to stop a leaky boat
I’m just going take a quick sip
Not sure if this counts
Somewhere in the world
Drone pilot captures rhinos like never before on film
Golden tortoise beetle transforming from gold to red
Not often enough
The detail of this pine cone drawing
Crushing stacked panes of glass
The reaction time of a Formula 1 driver
Astronaut who spent 197 days on the International Space Station shows how hard it
Fun fact: Almost all car commercials are done with CGI and they use this car called
I have to admit, I've never been told to put in a garbage bag this way.
Appreciate the technician here
the way forest looks from the sky
Bangarang. A painting I painted.
Lava breaking through