U Siliconcog

Two sisters holding hands after birth
But... I've got a bone for you
Gee, thanks China....
Just no man.
Sad reality
As we hit a record 60k cases, Elon was just a little off with his prediction
They deserve this victory
No stick too big for this lil guy
Weird way of putting that..
never give up
Known as Wrap-around Spider, this spider can flatten and wrap its body around tree
Making a teddy bear out of a wash cloth/towel.
I’m a Capricorn Rising.
Smol violent criminal
Rare footage of the giant swimming Nope
I drew myself painting myself painting myself painting myself, oil pastels on canvas.
This little shark’s defence mechanism
Guy budget copies The Matrix
Blursed Epic Handshake
Ya’ll need help?
Lemme crank one out
It takes time
Sound advice..
Medieval bathroom, what a shit job tô clean it
Making a giant paper crane
Thanks, I hate Winnie The Pooh and Tinder dates
I'm a bat
Mom and baby = pure happiness
I’m now reading all his tweets in the Cookie Monster voice
The COVID Ritual, Shirumuart, Digital, 2020
Society has got to change for the better
This is adorable
General Strike anyone?
Just saw this in my architecture group chat
Burned by a toddler.
I hate it when that happens
I think a lot of us would love this
Play that funky music
Our maine coon, Max, loves to cuddle in the morning.
Oh hey, it’s an Aries
Hippopotamus table