
I found this framed print of a nude woman (upper-half only). Can someone help me
Nsfw-ish. Ive got this armpit rash and its super embarressing. Ive seen doctors and
My friend's grandmother left him these. He has about 50 of them, one for every week.
Found in my brothers stuff. Don't know how to open it, or even if it can be opened.
Found stillborn deer fetus on bike path.  What are the bean shaped parts connected
What kind of airplane is this?
Found this strange chain thingey among my dad's stuff. Anyone know what it is? Its
[meta] Downvoting of people who honestly try to help, but turn out wrong and those
Seen on the back of the car in the Chicago area. About 8 inches high. That's the
Native American toilet squatter. From my assistant principal's office. Anyone know
What kind of turtle is this? It's like a red eared slider but no red markings and
Got a lump in my boob. Any idea?(NSFW)
Found on a beach close to Carmel, Big Sur (CA), on June 1. Is this a whale?
My dad has this black mole like thing just below his nipple. It's been there for
Browsing old books online, found this monstrosity. Any ideas?
NSFW - found these two couples at an antique mall in Florida
Found at the front of a classroom. Vibrator?
What is this scary looking this? A family member found it in the house he's renting.
What kind of snakes are these?
Red triangle logo sticker, whose logo is this?
Its a leg found in Western Pa, what animal does it belong to?
does anyone recognize this painting? From an episode of Pawn Stars Rick hung it in
My dog dug this up, anyone have any idea what it is? It's hollow.
What does this sticker signify located on a report's Mac laptop in a documentary
A bone I found on a pier along the Delaware River
What kind of poop is this? It smells like dog doodoo but it's huge for a dog
Anybody know what this is? (x-post /r/wtf)
These bees swarming this frog
[NSFL] This thing that came out of the AC pipe in my house.
Glass wand ? Or anal plug?
Getting a blood transfusion. What are these little tails on my IV bag?
Object found in friend's shower
I got a pin. Anybody know what this is/means?
Squishy thing covered in flies found in the Australian bush
Had this show up for me in an ad, no idea what it is and I don't think it's related
What is the name of this type of stitch or suture?
Found this cup in a thrift store, weird sexual depiction, no markings, ceramic.
Round metal thing, bars welded together. About 2 inches long.
What is this dickbong looking thing?
Found two while picking up dog poop in my yard in the twin cities area of MN. Chicken?
What Is This Rodent/Marsupial Thing? (WARNING: Roadkill)
Found on the shower floor in a share house. Hoping someone can identify it as anything
Someone in Kyoto found this thing in their driveway, and it looks like organs from
Found this on the shore of lake Roosevelt in eastern Washington. Thought it was a
This fell out of my friends drop ceiling last night.
Looks like the miscarriage of a small animal..? Found in my backyard..
Found at a thrift store in Birmingham, AL. I paid $0.99.
What is this? I think it’s kinky
Any ideas?
Weird condom like tube with (hair?) in it found in a rental car
Friend found this buried on his families land
Found this in an old box in a closet.
Found on my balcony. It looks organic.