
(X-post from fetlife.com same username) Went swimming last night. Did a few laps.
(F)irst time posting - Finished my 12wk PT Program today!
Week two. I will get there someday! (F)
(f)inally got beach ready, no pain no gain
a 'behind the scenes' peek [f]rom my sunday morning workout.
nice shower after a hard workout this morning (f)
[F]eeling fit
My at home workout shorts. (F)
[f] took a few extra reps to get my booty
Doorway. I love deadli(f)ts.
(F)oamy corset
A little [f]lex from yesterday.
speaking o[f] racks at the gym...
Not exactly as wild as I normally go, but I know I had to share the origin story
[F] My ass in tight, grey, squat day leggings ;) <3
Working on those ABS [F] what do you think? Other fun pictures in my history ;-)
A little cardio a[f]ter lifting tonight. ;)
Drying off after a hard run [F]
[F] Update: post-gym shower
(F) Guess what I worked out today?
(f)eeling like all the squats and deads are starting to pay off
[F] getting sweaty on hump day.
When people say most powerlifters are fat, but you're strong and lean. (f)
Wanted to show off (m)y softer side
A(M) workouts have their benefits
What would you do to me in this pose? (F)
Time to undress [f]or a hot shower.
Squat booty (f)
A little gym tease ;) AIC [f]
Can't think o[F] a title, here's my body
It's time to clean up my apartment but I still have some time for a [f]ast selfie
My rock climbing partners are out o[f] town this weekend...I need someone to come
From May to September this year, slowly gaining some muscle [F]
[F] Pre-gym selfie ☑️ I’ve been doing some crazy workouts lately so hopefully
Sweaty workout today ? (f)
[F] working the glutes
I always feel so hormy after a good workout! (F)
(F) Too much (or little) to go to gym?
Daily hikes paying of[f] [23], Care to join me on a hike?
Progress shot (F)
Working out makes me horny [f]
[F] - There isn't a better cool down routine than to strip for your internet friends
Would rather blow you than this (F)
Happy Hump Day! Shall we get our pump and hump on? [f]
Body pullver gone wrong on the way down! [f]