
Back to politics for a sec
upvote if you love teen tits
I see lots of Obi Wan. How about some love for his master!
You can upvote a THOT, or you can upvote a kitten in a sombrero. Choice is yours.
Some people believe that this sub has lost it's way, but this says otherwise.
When the cultists are a rockin', the legion comes a knockin'
The Imperial Fists will not let this sub fall
This is getting out of hand
The Machine God is with us, Brothers! Stand Strong!
Posts like this are why the sub fell to the thots in the first place
Bunny Succulents.
Is JoJo still relevant here?
The Adeptus Mechanicus, masters of the machines of war
They don't think it be like it is but it do
Die, politics
I am once again asking for your pictures of spiderman.
3 happy rats
Thicc af
if the gamer girls can get thousands of upvotes how many upvotes can this good girl
No pain, no gain
The Weak Should Fear The Strong
Feeling cute. Might delete later...
Reposting because this always makes me chuckle
I googled 'facemask bingo' and this was the first result
I leave it here.
If hentai can get thousands of upvotes, then how much can lesbian hentai get?
simple enough?
Can I get some love for my cat?
I’m not a plant. I’m a hoe and I stand by the hoe culture of India. Pic related
How prepared is your cat?
i am so fucking beautiful and talented and gorgeous. i love sex, im a freak in bed.
I had to explain this meme to my sister
The internet was a mistake
This is double hot dog. Upvote for 5 years of good luck. Ignore for 10 years of bad
Haven’t gotten much love here.. I’ll keep trying ? ?
should we just change the sub name to r/cheapassthots and be done with it?
Depends on what direction she wipes
Apex Predator
What happened to the guy who used to clown other subs?
Can relate
72 Charger
really proud of my tits
Green mammatus clouds, which usually precede a tornado, over an abandoned house.
Fuck the /s , all my meatbags hate the /s
Places whose name I like | part 16: Smolensk, Russia.
Posting WW2 stuff on a semi-regular basis until I forget I started doing it | part
My hamster Kiwi looks like she sells nuts and nut accessories ?
Grand overlord is displeased. He demands tribute.
Sergeant Stubby, the most decorated dog of the entire World War 1
[Classic meme] Live , Laugh , Love
Catacombs Level 17: Beyond the bodies is a vast factory, but these machines have
The dude abides