
Make me a shirt at shirtmockup.com. I will buy the best shirt and post proof when
>tfw no shirt sorry guys :'(
I was going to read through the top 100 on bash.org but the site is down. I hope
>no more bitstrips
Had my first UK Indian curry today. I can see why they rave about it so much - it
1. cunnie 2. Have you ever been in a life-threatening situation? If so, describe.
oh no... ✡
What color combination should my new Adidas be? I have all of the regular ones already.
how i like the ass
1. Can't 2. What is your taste in music? 3. Why is your music taste shit tier?
ur mum is a
Watched "Fury" yesterday, good film.
I just watched a bunch of highly disturbing, NSFL videos on a trending askreddit
It's the first day it hasn't been freezing AND I got my internet back! All in all,
Have a good weekend. Stay safe, and remember that you have people who love you.
send me your mum's address so I can give her a very special present today :v)
I regularly beat my 4 inch wiener to pics like this when my cats are tired of getting
I shaved off my beard today because I have a job interview tomorrow, now I have to
Daily reminder that circumcized penises are inferior
What is something that you can freely admit to on the internet, but would ruin you
In honor of reaching 1,700 subscribers here is a pic on my Steven Pinker.
My penis gets hard from this picture
Does anyone know if Israeli gals are promiscuous because I keep seeing those hotties
i am better than kells
PSA: what is your favorite type of music and why
Out of all the disgusting ethnicities out there, Indian people are the worse.
Should I get battlefront yea or nay
James Deen vs Stoya, who would win in a fight if both of their arms were amputated?
Did any of you guys learn an instrument when you were younger?
I downloaded yik yak. Only the dead can know peace from my shitposting
>using random imgur generator >this pops up
I believe that AK's internet personality became offended when wiseguy labelled the
wiggie write another meme story like the one thats stickied rn
The time is changing I hang onto sleep tho
I'm getting a boner
favorite mind altering substance?
Full Frontal Nudity
my nudes
I'm sitting in a bar drinking and watching the Rio Olympics people make a Jesus out
Fat mane hasn't posted anywhere in 2 days. RIP le fat shitter ;_;7
what are you doing for valentines
really could use some of those "full time jobs" the kids are talking about
v rare percy flouncing on couch [NSFW]
v v rare percy
I grated parmesan cheese last night while drunk and this morning it was all over
dont dead gary inside
epic tfws when getting those first love beels every few years but then they want
Gary takin the highway to the danger zone, getting a flat tire before he starts
Kitten eared cutie pie ??
After my son hooked me up with all his twitter follows for epic maymays, I learned
feet look strange from an angle where you can't any toe but the biggy
Tfw no thicc bf to climb
>Tfw nap.
gary sounding his half-chub with a handheld american flag while blaring toto's africa
I have a boner rn haha
love it or hate it, everybody can agree: 2020 was a year
lol foudn a funny image today