
Youtube! Do something about this please! The cancer of Youtube.
YouTube comments will never change...
Youtube comments make me laugh once in a while :D
Youtube's layout forces me to see comments. And the RT Youtube commenters never fail
YouTuber comedian Karen Alloy did a nude photo shoot and god damn she has a fine
YouTube's comment game is strong
「ヒューマンビートボックス界で人気が出る」 → 「子供たちの心を掴んで子供たちのヒーローに」
Youtube commenter on the abortion issue:
YouTube is doing a great job combatting gun violence. NSFW
Youtube clickbait has gone way too far
YouTube commentor threatens a content creator of... the adult stuff. His comments
Youtube: We can't monetize videos with innapropriate or sexual content. Youtube ads:
Youtube: If your content is not family friendly you will be demonetized Also YouTube:
Youtube: You said a naughty word so your channel got age restricted and demonetized.
Youtube is just straight up showing Porn in their Ad's.....
YouTube demonitising creators who swear once and then let ads like these appear more
YouTube: "no lewd content" Also YouTube when companies throw money at them:
#バーチャルYouTuber 2時間後 - 只有弱者才睡觉のイラスト
YouTube ads are getting out of hand. And yes, this YouTube Vanced
YouTube demonetizes great YouTubers then shows this ad.
YouTube demonetizes great YouTubers then shows this ad.
Bored and lonely looking for a real man plz add my snapchat grapdate
Youtube chat vs Avasts companion stream
bad girl!
But the sky's never gray never gray s!nap<racescale!
And she gone ride this dick I had a long day s!n-a?p>dropnirds!
So now my heart is smiling too s.n.a!p~sayloving?
And performing it since the first grade s?na.p*hitgreedy!
Did you miss me on this vacations? How are you baby?