
WTF Youtube?! (NSFW Language?)
The future of youtube.
I don't know what YouTube thinks I've been watching... [NSFW]
Classic youtube
Does anyone else have this experience with the volume slider where sliding it to
Ohh Youtube, never change
New YouTube player???
Always nice to gain a new fan
This ad is a video of a glass blown butt plug....
Related Videos
Clickbait is getting so much worse
Timing is a hell of a thing
Isn't this ad a bit much?
What the shit, Youtube? [Nsfw?]
Is an image like this not allowed on YT? no nudity but is the hands placement an
Hello Hila
Latest bait is getting kids to watch clips of Teen Titans GO using a NSFW image.
Advertisements for a Japanese hentai app complete with sexual moaning
Is this shit even allowed?
Thanks for the suggestion, YouTube.
After clicking "not interested" on so many recommended videos, YouTube
Alright Youtube this is getting ridiculous. 3rd stream today with blatant nudity
Got this ad about a guy trying to watch porn without his wife finding out last night
Literal "accidental" nudity on a video from 2006
So Youtube just advertised for porn on a dragon ball video
Why the hell do 'horse mating' videos show up when i search for 'donkeys'?
This video recommendation seems inappropriate, I was not logged in. This is a young
Clickbait Douchetubers be like:
Why is YouTube not following there nude rules?
WTF?! First thing that comes up when you search #minecraft!
[Abuse Ad] Is anyone else getting provocative/inappropriate ads like this?
Nice recommendations on a South Park clip
[abuse ad] WTF is this ?!
Porn ad on youtube [abuse ad]
Does anybody at YouTube vet their ads
What is with these softcore porn ads on YouTube?
What in the everloving frick is going on with YouTube ads these days?
Should I really mark this NSFW? Coz YouTube clearly doesn't care.
Why am I getting softcore porn ads?
I'm sorry, but what the shit is this? YouTube wont even give you any means of reporting
Any way to hide community posts or blur images until you click them?
Wow, there's 0 moderation for what you can advertise, isn't there?
Thanks for giving me this ad at work, YouTube
So this ad doesn't violate YouTube ToS?
Why do i keep getting this porn-y paid ads recommendations video like this? This
On a GTA: SA video. Meanwhile YouTubers get demonetized for saying "heck"
What. The. Fuck.