
The exception, not the rule.
Under 6 feet need not apply
Not to be racist but...
Genius wanted, send weight height and job in 1st message ;) lol (x-post from r/justneckbeardthings)
"There should only be one fat person per couple."
Great joke
Just bc I'm fat doesn't mean I like fat dudes
People paying a camgirl to show her butthole are rude and don't say happy birthday!
Paul Mitchell School and wants a grown up...
He's not going to message first.
Decent guys don't care about my size
Was on /r/funny, feels like it's appropriate here.
"I'm picky"
This guy
"Don't let my pic fool you"
My plans are foiled
Anyone? (X-post /r/trashy)
She believes she deserves a "fit and successful man"
Doesn't get along with gay guys...
Dilbert knows how to do it
International niceguy with that ? tinder game (x-post /r/niceguys)
Be Tall
XPOST from /r/cringeanarchy ...oh god, it hurts.
Good luck with that.
Oh nooooo
My local craig's. List of unrealistic demands followed by "must love BBWs"
I generally think that posts without pictures aren't worth it, so I only clicked
Op posts in r/books asking how to pick up women (x-post from r/cringepics)
I want a tall, intelligent Black man who will give me lots of attention, and in return
Well that did not go well (x-post r/Tinder)
Hint: I am worth a lot
"I know I am looking for a unicorn [tee hee] but here is my list of demands.
If you spent as much time working on yourself as you spent dreaming about that, you
Ready for [f]un
Vintage choosing beggars
You can't be my boyfriend, but you can't have sex with anyone else. You must be muscular,
Posted this on trashy, was told it belongs here
so what am I even supposed to get out of this deal? (NSFW)
Haven't sold my artwork in years, turns out this beggar just wanted nudes. Sigh.