
Looks like we're safe now!
Typical teenager
I say Potato you say Downs
Mannequin Challenge.
Gonna Be Rough
In the eye of the Beholder, right?
Looks like their uber arrived
adolf, master of the pu$$
You gotta give this bitch credit: she is really commited to convincing people she
Canada has a question
From the 63 ways to dump your fat girlfriend
Jack Russell Fine Liquor
Trudeau is a genius
Whip it out, Bruce
Wrong sub?
Nothing has changed since 1770
He dindu nothing
Tumblr announces a new gender
Drown bitch
Sweet Dreams
Doin' the lord's work.
iPhone X
Allah Snackbar
Saudi censorship
Galactic Proportions
Lesbian relationships.
Know your opponent
Twitter needs sensitivity training. ?
When your kill streak gets interrupted.
Killing your neighbors
I'm white but...
Not tonight
Sounds about right
And They Say African Americans Don't Amount to Much
Gun Control Issues
So Hot Right Now
Mah religion of peace ??
Feminists should move to the middle east and here's why
GaY 4 LyFe
Learn your shapes.
Dear women, STFU
Simpsons predicted the Thot Audit
PAY UP, Whitey
It's true...
wHoOpSiEs ?☪️
masculinity so toxic
Oink oink
Since these are apparently big on this sub now.
Steve really did it to us...
How it should be
That's my boy
Thanos did nothing wrong
A typical Chinese work day
Some uplifting content for a change
Poland is the best country in europe