
100% success rate.
Let's play some Twister
? No Monkey Business ?
How movie shootings happen
The Gender Bender
Got your message, sending you our reply
Better get outta the way
Concentration Camps
Did the maths
Don't make me tell you again, son!
Sometimes love is both ironic and explosive
Thought they were starving smh.
i'm lovin' it
To help lift her mood, he got her a ladder.
EU Cucked
Getting excited over small stuff
McDonalds Clown
To all of those in Irma's path
I give it 3 stars for the indoor shooting range
This is most appropriate
I don't think anyone wants to rape Rosie though
The intent
What is the difference?
Found a pic of Ajit Pai when he was young
Give this man a medal for patience.
Smooth cream
Wtf is that thing!
The magic black hat
for real
The audacity
Step up your game
White people be like.
Great responsibility
Equality Ya'll
I got kicked out of Girl scouts for eating too many brownies
Refugees Welcome
They cost How much?
The Blame Game
Where do we put the menorah?
Call & response
Photoshop skills
converting 2 islam.jpg
So Brave
Everybody's Favorite City
The real endgame
Libtards destroyed by meme logic
Little bit of love
Apropriate reaction
One with nature
Asian girl
makes sense tbh
And you thought your parents were bad...