
Your Turn, Sport [NSFW]
Tell Romney I've got that binder full of women he asked for
Hello Tumblr. I ran for president. I lost.
The Klinger Schmitt NSFW
Makkah Newspaper political cartoon
Apparently one is running for president, and the other is part of a movie series
Please stop resisting...
Donald Trump. If you vote this up, it will show up on Google Images when people Google
Hey /r/The_Donald, here's a little reminder
House Freedom Caucus Considers Women's Reproductive Health Issues (NSFW)
Care to clown around a little, comrade?
About to go live... [NSFW?]
Nieghbor's weird dog thinks he's running for the Senate.
What strange times we live in. [NSFW because I used "science-based". I'm
“No mine is bigger”
Trump's new 6'3" patriot boots and svelte 239lb bod. #superiorgenes
And it's Penthouse Magazine of all things, nailing it from way back in 1986! (Ever
NSFW - Presidential Seal of Approval!
Welcome to Texas (mildly NSFW)
Mr. Putin - may we have another?
How to own the libs le epic style.
Three Degrees.
Donald likes it ruff
Warning: this image may be triggering to conservatives. View with caution!
How trump voters see his tweets.
PSA: This is who is iin the white house.
Chief law enforcement officer
Sad sack
No deed goes un-Donald'ed
NSFW Trump
[NSFW/L] Dogpile(s)
Trump will be in my city on Saturday, so I drew this to welcome him.
Leaked NSFW image of the president!
Every time you go to a BLM riot, you're guaranteed to see one of these things
And This is Just The Presidential Washroom
Why do anti-maskers want to put things up their butt?
Virginia and Bill watching their favourite politician
Some hot shit
Photo of Trump in hospital bed
Really makes you think, huh?
Pls don't ban me lol
Goku and Trump (repost)
I fail to see the issue here
Remember everyone who groveled to Trump
Lmfao donald trump stinky hahahahahahahshdhadwuhiehdiwjwdhwhdirhsidjduie
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
A girl with a dream
Feel the Bern
This is your butthole when you’re on drugs.
Fuck all yall. Every one of you can-headed, screw-toothed, bug-eyed, gnarly-eared,
Mini Iroha Isshiki ?
Republicans seem rather triggered about the whole thing