
On honor of the FCC bowing to our corporate overlords
Ted Cruz having a tug on twitter
Trump the quicker fucker upper
The one on his chin is the larger one. [cross-post /r/mildlypenis]
NSFW photo of some dudes gangbanging America.
Judge Jellybean
People getting their news from social media is like a giant game of Telephone where
2017 Senate Tax Bill and the supposed trickle down economics in action.
NSFW: Hollywood A-lister shamelessly assaults small child in broad daylight.
Commissioner O'reilly is actually a potato nsfw
Donald Duck (NSFW)
[NSFW] Politician offers his volunteer effort in order to feed his constituents
In light of recent Trump tweet
The only shithole I see is you
Controversy does wonders to a person's popularity
Stormy Daniels released a pic of Donald Trump's penis.
rare pic of LE DRUMPFTARD preparing a speech
Let compare rockets (NSFW)
That one time Sean Hannity was Hustler Magazine's "Asshole of the Month"
Saw this sign in Tombstone Az. (nsfw?)
Lemon Party, 2020
We the people do declare...
Can you imagine...?
"As you know, Ted Cruz has my complete and total endorsement. Also, I fucking
You're really convincing that I was wrong.
Well... Kavanaugh we found proof of your "Boofing"
Australia defies climate report and backs Coal [NSFW]
Stuck at home this Halloween because of an online class. This would have been the
Still better than Hillary!
The resemblance is uncanny....
Pole Dancer
This should be a good one
NSFW Baby Donny went to town a-riding on a Turtle, sucked hamberders down his hatch
The US-UK "special relationship" is entering dangerous waters.
Fox News poll shows disappointing numbers for Trump in trial heats against various
Isn't it, The World? A Child's Perspective.
Do I need a NSFW tag for a picture of Trump's?
Trump tweets out dick pic [NSFL]
Shall not be infringed
Artist's rendering of Jared proposing to Ivanka
For a quarantined sub, apparently all roads still leads to T_D for some reason
Democratic Socialism before and after and election
Did I just see a Boomer blame the Millennials for the CV? While a potted plant stood
Recommended method... MAGA
Joe Biden's "economic intercourse" plan for the American public
Nancy's next tweet.
[NSFW] Bunker Boy getting ready for another photo op
Oh lawd y'all GOT to see this
This picture of Mitch McConnel receiving recognition for being a dick. NSFW
I try not to go there but their social media is probably working overtime right now.