
A pair in motion...
The Cuppet Show
Me: Compare her face to her boobs. Engineer: I got this!
Hi, Ho!
Girlfriend: "What the hell kind of floor lamp is THAT???" Me: "If
Tattoos don't count!
This is why Betsy from Etsy can't jet ski...
Smirks are perks!
Gunpowder. Gelatine. Dynamite with a laser beam...
The many definitions of "bound"...
Too soon?
If you're prudent and play it safe, then you won't get Ink on you...
Yer a wizard, Gloria!
The only who can tell you, "You can't!" - is YOU...
No person is completely wicked, just as no person is perfect. We are all grey...
I heat up! I cool down. When something gets in my way I go round it...
Tee'pol, T'pol, Tee'pol, Tee'Paw'ah'olll. I suggest you look in the comments for
"Fashion" is to "yachting" as "bikini" is to "motorboating"...
First disarm her, THEN charm the pants off of her!
What goes up...
People of Nordstrom
Mon-Bell Amie!
When suddenly having to choose and there's no time to think!
No matter the appetite, everything is a napkin in bed...
The 1960s called. They want YO MAMA!
Quarantine, day thirteen, and the onslaught continues...
Oooh! Somebody STOP me!
Croissants? Check. Eyeful Towel-Hair? Check!
She took the Mr Clean Magic Eraser Challenge - and we all lost...
Nicki Minaj rebooting after a firmware update...
'Dorable the Explorable
This ain't your grandfather's Frankenstein: Jeff Chapman don't build 'em like they
It's eclectic! Bewbie boobie booby!
Oh my GAWD! Did you just fart?!? My mouth was open...
Capture a shadow, dance with the wind, stand in a rainbow, begin at the end...