
Snapped a shot of this little guy at the philly zoo!
I don't know about you, but I find these guys pretty damn cute. [Fixed]
My two favorites! Bunnies and boobies
My new puppy, Hailey - Currently at the Vet Emergency Room for possible Distemper
Good morning
It's baby smokey :)
Our new kitten seems content. ;) [NSFW]
Really cute, although I guess this one is NSFW
Puppies do like boobs! Maybe NSFW
Meet my karma machine :D
You want underwear...You Die.
Hey bro, wanna cuddle?
Cute Pussy!  NSFW
I'm glad i rescued this dog... she would've been a terrible hunting dog.
Whenever I try to go to the bathroom, he always has to jump and fall asleep on my
Popped up on my fb feed... Introducing the Cock Dog! (slightly NSFW)
Oliver Bird!
I had a similar reaction
His coat glows in the light.
Most un-photogenic cat ever!
Love between brothers [NSFW]
I opened my email and found this.
Meet Sadie and ginger bitch!
I raise you beagle pup biting something inappropriate with my own...
Gambit's first Christmas
Hamster cleavage! (mildly NSFW)
Penelope wants to wish you Happy Holidays!
I know it's really cliché, but I found this kitten outside my house last night,
Officially an uncle as of Christmas Eve!
Meet Ozzy, Prince of Ears.
A true reddit cat(NSFW)
My Puppies Love to Play!
I'd like you to meet my new puppy, Dutch!
What Whipped Cream?
You're not the only Wan with a Catnobi
Rub here
It will be my cake day April 2. Here's a bunch of dogs.
Look Where She Ended Up :)
Rex's treat face.
Kitties and titties...how about bengals and balls?(nsfw)
Kittens and titties... How about Bengal and balls?(nsfw)
Happy kitten! Only slightly NSFW
We lucked out when we adopted this one.
"Your soul belongs to me"
Check out this nice puss (NSFW)
My co-workers found this fella outside the office. Give him a name!
Low-content Wolfpup Okami!
Tittys and kittens [NSFW]
Met this 3 Month old Shih Tzu at my hair salon More pictures. http://i.imgur.com/3pY5JlG.jpg
Bucket feels no shame when it comes to relaxing
Not the cleverest kitten in the world
Only fitting that my first post is of my first puppy. Reddit meet Lily, my genius
Who knew squirrels loved flower petals?
Ladies, Ladies, Laaaadies [nsfw]
Reddit, meet my derp! Had her pulled from a shelter in Cancun, Mexico 4 years ago.
He's growing up so fast... I love moments like this when he's still looks like my
She thinks she's a cat