
Tummy rubs. Naow.
Surprise! My sister's bringing home a fourth dog today. What should we name her?
This is my cat playing WoW
They may not be puppies anymore, but I had to act quick to snap this picture before
This is my cat
Does this need an NSFW tag?
I hate you so much right now. Soon as you take this off me, I'm gonna lick my own
Simba's favorite spot to sleep
Found this guy wandering by himself.
What do you mean move?
It's so hot!
Butt warmer sold at your local adoption shelter. (Kind of NSFW)
Scooter the frisky little chihuahua
Its so hot even the puppies are desperate for water!
Sleep well ...
My boston acts like he owns the place, but at least he cute.
Just my chill cat.
What a cute little human riding leopard you got there
She's been watching me do my homework like this for almost an hour.
Long time lurker first time poster
Not sure if NSFW would go about this scandalous child
Zaidee being a super mum with her 11 puppies.
Found this little guy while on a walk :)
2 week old kittens look confused
My Mastiff-X as a pup, and now :)
Lazy Saturday
My big bad guard dog when I'm home alone
Bodhi and Batman - Best Buds (little guy is Batman)
He grow up so fast
The sweetest dog ever
Don't worry I'm [F]riendly, just a bit shy.
Reddit meet Tank
It's my cake day so here are my cats spooning.
Meet Luna, the derpy Queen of the Couch
This little cuddle monster is my first puppy ever!
& this little kitty is not impressed
And he's snoring
Baby Toothless
little Walter sits like a human
not my cake day, but it is my birthday...
This is Lucy. This is how she likes to relax.
Why yes, I'd love a treat!
My kitten fell asleep on my bare chest.
They don't get like this often but when they do, its snuggles all the live long day.
Ash - The naughty clever half of the duo.
Thanks for the gift Sebastian, but you are not bringing that in the house!
Since getting nearly all his teeth removed, his tongue doesn't stay in his mouth
My cat just kicking back. I have never seen a cat relax like this.
Benzi boy wants to be a Dracula for halloween
When you screwed up and you are trying to make it up to bae
He stands like this every time he wants me to rub his chin
The goodest boy with the most boopable snoot.
An Arizona night nurse running for fun finished 2nd in the Boston Marathon
Every morning without fail. My guy is such a goober.
Our pupper is so photogenetic sometimes
looking out the window be like
Oh my! Fish having an electric orgasm ?